Nothing represents you like a photo on your website, business card, on-line dating, or bio page. Everybody wants to have a terrific headshot and look their absolute best. You can! Yes, it is possible. Here’s how:
Get a recommendation of a reputable photographer. In the Boulder area, my three favorites are Dana Rogers, (she did this shot), Barbara Columbo at 11:11, and Davies Creative Photography, all in Boulder.
Use a personal stylist like me, Marian Rothschild, to help you with wardrobe selection, hair style, applying makeup, and posing. Even if you are a man, you still need assistance with clothes, hair, powder to reduce shine, and poses.
Practice your hair style and wear clothes that you love and feel like your best self, in. Give yourself plenty of time on the day of the photo shoot. Have fun and relax. It will show.
Image Consultant and Personal Stylist Marian Rothschild can help you prepare and look fantastic on the day of your photo shoot. Call Look Good Now at 720-933-9247 for an appointment.